老飘飘 寫:
greenem01 寫:
老飘飘 寫:
Have you gone back to China for real, permanently? Aren't you going to miss day trading here? Ha ha.... It would be much more difficult to do day trading in China. My sister has done day trading for 15 years and is probably still on the negative side. Of course there are ways to make easy money there somehow. Otherwise, how can fast food and unfinished apartment command such high prices. If there is a will, there will be a way. Good luck to you.
北京几乎没法做day trading,这里太多大庄家挖坑套人,加上很多公司公布的业绩不真实,无法参考,一旦抓出来都是一跌到底,近3年来中国股市都在熊市中,赔得多赚的很少。大势上看,6年前入场的依旧没有钱赚,倒是房市真的到目前没有崩盘,快餐业因为是每日消费,在中国好像成了比较安全的行业,据说在北京做生意的,只有快餐业还算是投入产出比较合算的,回款也快。地产市场价格已经和美国齐平了,这里随便一个公寓在美国也能换个独栋房子。但是不是每个人都拿到了这个好处,这个房子的盈利很大是快速炒作结果,很少有人去套现,因为一旦出手,很可能几个月要是你拿不到房子,也就不会再有机会了。近期贷款一直在严控,逼得很多人开始全额购房和以家族为单位炒房。还有就是房子也是贪官经济的最好的兑现方式,给贪官送房子很流行,抓住的贪官一般都是在地产上有很多斩获的。
It's been tough for me to get used to Chinese current way of living there (a lot of food, smoke, and traffic, ha ha... of course being treated too well). I am not a politician. However, one should know what's good and bad. Although one must be careful anywhere talking about politics, religion, etc, everyone should be able to enjoy the liberty on having his/her own thoughts and ideas.
It is very nice of you to spend some time with your parents. Of course you are probably one of the lucky ones who can do it this way. As long as you don't live the unhealthy way and take care of yourself and your family, enjoy the time with your parents and family.
Chinese stock trading is a typical "easy come easy go". You should be OK since you already know about the game. I simply never get it with regard to Chinese housing prices, especially Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and Shenzheng. You can buy beach-front properties in Orange County based on some high-end apartment prices in these places. Mathematically this just doesn't add up but a lot of things in China can never be understood. Not now but may be in the future.
Mainstreet media in the States and a lot of people are really pumping up the discussion about Chinese economy. While it could still be real development and progress, there are and will be a lot of concerns and uncertainties such as inflation, costs of living, education, housing, healthcare, elderly care, environment, and of course corruption. We all hope the country move forward but can't ignore a lot of problems that would eventually bite back.
Well, wish you the best of luck living in China for a few years. Take good care of yourself. Don't get sick (LOL) and be healthy. Of course, do what you enjoy, i.e. shooting and making pix.