"I can define it. But I know when I see it."
这个法官的意思就是:“我无法定义什么是Prono, 但我一看就知道什么是Prono。”
http://www.adultweblaw.com/laws/childporn.htmBottom line is:
"7. Conclusion:
If you want to be safe, do not display any images of minors on your adult website and do not advertise or suggest that your models are minors. If your website displays any arguably sexual images of minors, you may risk prosecution if it appears that your site exists for the sexual stimulation of viewers.
If you display any questionable images of minors on your website, make sure you have a good lawyer. If you have any questionable images on your site, but you know that the model depicted is of legal age, make sure that you have the necessary legal records you will need to produce if you are prosecuted. "
我第一次拿Speeding Ticket的时候也非常不服气:我才开75mile, 旁边的人都开80,你干嘛不给那些人罚单啊?但后来终于心平气和了,人家别人的行为并不能作为自己行为的依据。再说,人家拿罚单的时候俺可能正在偷笑呢。呵呵。